Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

pdf fileMulti Year Accessibility Plan
Accessibility Plan
pdf file2024-2029 Mulit-Year Accessibility Plan
Multi Year Accessibility Plan

AODA is a set of regulations created by the Ontario government to ensure everyone has equal access to information online to ensure digital accessibility. If you are not compliant with the AODA compliance requirements and accessibility policies, you could face a severe fine.

The Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act (AODA) was established in 2005. Its goal was to improve website accessibility using digital compliance to make a more accessible Ontario. The laws were established by the government for Ontario’s public and private entities to ensure that all Ontarians are able to equally access resources and information. This includes online resources, websites and digital applications.

Essentially, AODA is a set of accessibility standards for private organizations and non-profit organizations to follow. Its goal is to remove digital accessibility barriers that people with disabilities would encounter when they access online content.

All organizations in Ontario need to follow clear requirements and standards in order to remain AODA compliant in their employment practices and in the way they share information. The new accessibility laws are an improvement on the existing Ontarians With Disabilities Act of 2001.

Any public sector organization, business, or non-profit that has 50 employees or more needs to operate in line with this accessibility law. The AODA system was created by various committees with representation from different sectors. This includes representation from the disability community.

AODA compliance is the responsibility of all public, private and non-profit organizations in Ontario with 1 or more employees. To help, AODA outlines 5 standards that support organizations to improve accessibility.

The 5 AODA standards help organizations to identify and remove barriers for people with disabilities. It considers 5 areas of daily life.

They are:

  1. Customer Service Standards which help to make sure everyone can access goods, services and facilities.
  2. Information and Communication Standards which help organizations to make their information accessible to all.
  3. Transportation Standards make sure it’s easy for everyone to travel in Ontario.
  4. Employment Standards help organizations to make hiring practices more accessible. As well as employee support practices.
  5. Design of Public Spaces Standards help organizations to make outdoor public areas accessible.