Flood Risk Assessment - South-West of the Westmeath Provincial Park

Flood Risk Assessment – South-West of the Westmeath Provincial Park

Project Description

The Township of Whitewater Region has engaged Jp2g Consultants Inc. to complete a flood risk assessment for an area south-west of the Westmeath Provincial Park along the Ottawa River which includes a Provincially Significant Wetland, and some non-conforming (grandfathered) properties situated in the floodway or flood fringe.  This area seasonally floods with the spring freshet and represents a significant and recurring flood risk.  The Township has identified flooding in its Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.

Project Area Map 

The flood risk assessment is intended to evaluate the two-zone flood management policy by:

  • Documenting and assessing the condition of the existing flood control measures.
  • Documenting the condition of the existing infrastructure, including access.
  • Quantifying the risk to the flood-prone areas under various scenarios, including regular seasonal flood, 1:100 Year, 2019 water levels, and other scenarios.
  • Preparing a prioritized action plan to address and mitigate the risk of flooding.
  • Identifying alternative solutions for flood protection measures in the general area.

Project Presentations

Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the award of RFP 2021-27 for the Flood Risk Assessment to Jp2g Consultant Inc. on June 16, 2021. Report

Staff from Jp2g Consultant will be presentating at the March 16th Council Meeting.  The presentation can be viewed on the Township's YouTube channel.

Notices and Reports

June 16, 2021 - Council Report to Award

July 2021 - Newsletter #1

December 2021 - Draft Background Report 

December 2021 - Newsletter #2 

January 2022 - Final Draft Report

March 2022 - Newsletter #3

March 16, 2022 - Council Presentation

July 2022 - Newsletter #4


The Township secured funding through the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) to help fund 50% of the total cost of the project.  The total costs is $68,972.93 (after HST rebate) with the grant covering 50% of this cost. The Township's portion will be funded in the 2022 Budget.

Public Involvement

The Township in partnership with Jp2g Consultants Inc. have issued two (2) Newsletter to obtain feedback from the property owners and to inform of the progress of the project.  Anyone seeking to provide their input into this project may reach out to the contact below.  


Lane Cleroux

Manager of Public Works

Township of Whitewater Region
P.O. Box 40, 44 Main Street Cobden, ON K0J 1K0
Phone: 613-646-2282 ext. 128
Email: lcleroux@whitewaterregion.ca